
Change in Location for All Oral Arguments before the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals

May 20, 2008

Ongoing repairs from recent water damage render both courtrooms in the new Carroll Gartin Justice Building unusable until further notice.

Oral arguments before both the Supreme Court of Mississippi and the Court of Appeals of the State of Mississippi will, therefore, be held in other locations. In each case scheduled for oral argument a notice will identify the location of the oral argument.

Oral arguments held away from the Gartin Building will not be webcast on the State of Mississippi Judiciary web site.

Many of the oral arguments will be held in the old Supreme Court Chamber, Room 216, in the east (Senate) wing of the New Capitol Building, 400 High Street, Jackson, Mississippi 39201. Attorneys with oral argument there should arrive early enough to check in with the Capitol Police at the Guard House (601-359-3139; Capitol Police general no. 601-359-3125) in the parking lot on the north side of the Capitol for directions about where to park and where to enter the Capitol Building.
